Weather-Display With Forecast Driver
Summary[edit | edit source]
This driver is intended to pull data from data files on a web server created by Weather-Display software. It will also supplement forecast data from Dark Sky (DS). You will need your DarkSky API key to use the forecast from that site, but the driver it will work without an external forecast source.
Requirements[edit | edit source]
You MUST have a Personal Weather Station (PWS) and use Weather-Display software to capture that weather data from your network or a web server. If you do not meet this requirement then this driver will not work for you. If you want a DarkSky driver that does not require a PWS, then go here.
Features[edit | edit source]
The driver exposes a default set of attributes for weather capabilities:
- humidity
- illuminance
- pressure
- temperature
- ultravioletIndex
Plus a small set of 'Required for Dashboard' attributes (used by SmartTiles/, and maybe some others)
- city
- feelsLike
- forecastIcon
- localSunrise
- localSunset
- percentPrecip
- weather
- weatherIcon
- wind
There are many other 'optional' attributes that can be selected if you need those exposed. It is best to keep those off if you do not require them as they will increase the Hub database size if selected. You can turn 'on' the 'Display All Preferences' then hit 'Save Preferences' to expose the optional attributes. Turn on those you want, turn off those you no longer want, then 'Save Preferences' again. You can turn off 'Display All Preferences' then 'Save Preferences' to hide those options and reduce the clutter on the driver display. NOTE: You do NOT have to select the optional attribute to allow those specific attributes to show in either the 'myTile' or 'weatherSummary' attributes (e.g. 'alert' will show in myTile and weatherSummary even if it is not selected). Optional attributes include:
- alert: Weather Alert (DarkSky only)
- betwix: Slice of Day
- cloud: Cloud Coverage
- condition_code: Condition Code
- condition_icon_only: Condition Icon Only
- condition_icon_url: Condition Icon URL
- condition_icon: Condition Icon
- condition_iconWithText: Condition Icon With Text
- condition_text: Condition Text
- country: Country
- dewpoint: Dewpoint (in default unit)
- fcstHighLow: Forecast High/Low Temperatures (DarkSky only)
- forecastHigh
- forecastLow
- forecast_code: Forecast Code (DarkSky only)
- forecast_text: Forecast Text (DarkSky only)
- illuminated: Illuminance (with 'lx' added for use on a Dashboard)
- is_day: Is daytime?
- localSunrise: Display the Group of Time of Local Sunrise and Sunset
- tw_begin (Twilight begin)
- sunriseTime
- noonTime
- sunsetTime
- tw_end (Twilight end)
- myTile: myTile for dashboard
- moonPhase: Moon Phase
- percentPrecip: Percent Precipitation
- solarradiation: Solar Radiation
- summarymessage: Weather Summary Message
- precipExtended: Precipitation Forecast (DarkSky only)
- rainDayAfterTomorrow (probability of precipitation)
- rainTomorrow (probability of precipitation)
- obspoll: Observation time for station and forecasts
- last_observation_Station (time of data observation)
- last_poll_Station (time poll was made)
- last_observation_Forecast (time of data observation)
- last_poll_Forecast (time poll was made)
- precip_today: Precipitation today (in default unit)
- state: State
- vis: Visibility (in default unit) (DarkSky only)
- wind_cardinal: Wind Direction (initials)
- wind_degree: Wind Direction (number)
- wind_direction: Wind Direction (text)
- wind_gust: Wind gust (in default unit)
- wind_string: Wind string
Where is the Code[edit | edit source]
- Direct link to this drivers code - Weather-Display with Forecast Driver
- All my Apps and Drivers can be found here - HubitatCommunity
Release Announcement on Hubitat Forum[edit | edit source]
All updates, feedback and discussions regarding this driver can be found here... Hubitat Community Forum