At Home Simulator
Summary[edit | edit source]
Turn lights on and off to simulate the appearance of an occupied home using YOUR normal routine.
Features[edit | edit source]
What does this do? This app is designed to give a lived in look based on your daily routine. This is not a random lights generator. Think about your normal daily routine and then program the lights to duplicate how you would normally move about the house. So if you get up at 6:00am but the sun doesn't come up until 8:00am, be sure to create a simulator that lasts at least 2 hours.
Best to make a different child app for Morning, another for Day and then another for Evening. Or as many as you may need (ie. weekdays vs weekends).
Rule Machine and a Virtual Switch Using the power of Rule Machine, set up a rule to turn the Virtual Switch to control this simulator on. This way you get to use every type of restriction available including offsets, without reinventing the wheel over here.
- Select as many devices from each group as needed.
- Child Apps are activated/deactivated by the Control Switch or when user selected time runs out
- Set how long each group of lights stays on
- Each group can have a different pause between devices AND a different pause between groups
- Special Random section allows additional lights to randomly turn on/off while the simulator is still running.
- Ability to pause any child app
- Ability to Enable/Disable child app via a switch
- Parent/Child App structure
- Create as many child apps as needed
Where is the Code[edit | edit source]
All of BPTWorld's Apps and Drivers can be found on Github
Release Announcement on Hubitat Forum[edit | edit source]
All updates, feedback and discussions can be found here... At Home Simulator